What we do


We provide you with complete visibility of what is on your fleet of vans. We detail exactly what your operatives are carrying and the value of that stock. This is a feature that is often overlooked by many organizations, and those who think they have it, find that it is usually wildly inaccurate. Upon auditing the van against the ‘list,’ it rarely matches more than 30% of the time.

We give you the ability to take control of what is on your vans by detailing exactly what has been used, by whom, and on what job. Our system also provides reports that allow you to establish what is ‘normal’ versus what is ‘abnormal’ usage of stock parts. You can compare the two to establish whether there might be an inaccuracy in recording too much or too little.

Our system provides significant improvement in managing your fleet of vans. We turn your greatest liability (stock holding and stock reconciliation) into your greatest asset by providing you with the ability to significantly improve the chance of a genuine first-time, first-visit fix in the eyes of your customers. Our intelligent software collates and knits all of the usage data for every app user to advise you on ‘what should be on the vans’ and, more importantly, ‘in what quantities’ to get your first-time fix rate as high as 99.5% for most trades.
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